life of an intern: it's not all coffee runs, just 95% of the time it is
by Denie Jacobson

Hello all, the intern Denie here! As my time as the intern comes to a close, I wanted to give you the inside scoop on what my time has been like at hello ruby!
For starters, where in the heck did summer go?!? I feel like my first day was last week! I will never forget my first day; it was comprised of me meeting Jill at Scooters {shocking} to go over my duties for the summer as well as my schedule. We ended up being there for hours because we talked about E V E R Y T H I N G - instantly knew that I was in for more than just your norm internship. The next day she threw me into a photo shoot, and by the end of it, we were changing outfits in my car. We were laughing so hard at the situation that we entirely dismissed the fact that we’ve only really known each other for 24 hours {my Jeep is not very large, needless to say, Jill knew a whole other side to me on my 2ND day of work} and the rest was history.
"It's so hard to shoot with best friends sometimes." - Photographer
"We just met." - Us
^literally she said this
Throughout the summer Jill really was everything I could've asked for for my internship. {reminder: I come from a small town and am interested in starting my own boutique someday.} Every time Jill would do something on the computer she would say “okay now watch this” or “okay I’m going to teach you how to do this” or "that's another thing". She never held back information that she knew would help me - even the stuff that went over my head; she broke it down. I also never really worked clothing retail before, so it was so much fun for me to merchandise the clothes in the truck and put flat lays together. Jill would be my cheerleader on the sidelines and tell me how much she loved it and of course that made me feel reeeeal good. Basically, by the end of it, I was more of her personal assistant than an intern lol {example: organizing Jill's shoe closet, taking Ruby on walks, etc.}
Between working { HOT AF } events, ordering inventory, hanging/steaming/tagging inventory, working with brand reps, and planning social media we had pleeenty of time for some fun.
Here are just a few of our fav things to do:
X start every morning with a coffee
X sit in the drive-thru while waiting for our coffee + complain about how many calories are in + how much money we are wasting
X go to Jill’s house and stare at Ruby while she eats treats
X watch an excessive amount of Jeffree Star + complain about how much time we just wasted
X get Indian food twice a week no matter how bad we feel after
And the list could go on and on.
So moral of the story here folks? Go outside your comfort zone!! I wanted so badly to go back to my small town for the summer and be with my family and friends. When I reached out to Jill, I told myself if I got the position I would stay, but if I didn’t get it, I could go back home. Jill having me work for her has been one of the best things that could've happened to me before I graduate. It completely gave me a 180 of what I wanted to do post-graduation, my outlook on retail is completely different, and more importantly, I made so many great connections in Omaha that I will be with me as I try and pave my way in this industry. {And connections are everythiiiing people.} But the very best thing I got out of my internship was Jill. She went from a stranger to my boss, to my mother, to my favorite coffee date, to my favorite Indian food date, to my best friend in a matter of three months. This girl can ALWAYS make you laugh. Ya can’t beat that.
Go find your hello ruby, go find your Jill, and as she would say “go play.”
XO- “the intern” Denie
P.S. this isn’t the last you’ve seen of me 😉