hello toasters, how are ya?!
by Jill Dudzinski

hello toasters, how are ya?! some call it an obsession... some say it's call it loyalty.... we still don't know which we are more on the boarder of 🤣🤣🤣Â
if you haven't already heard the news, we're going to be on the morning toast!! to some a small ad like this doesn't mean much, but to someone who has found comfort, guidance, and friendship through the toaster community, this means everything. like E V E R Y T H I N G.Â
claud & jackie have formed a space where all millennials can spill the hottest tea and be fully themselves without society judging everything they do. (including wearing skinny jeans & side parts, lol kidding but like not..?)Â
whether you're already a daily listener or a newbie, tune in tomorrow wednesday the 24th to hear a little shoutout to hello ruby and fan girl along with us. if anything comes from this we hope the toast cult following grows just a liiiiittle bit more and we all can start talking all things TMT!Â
don't be RHD, and find the pod on these channels:Â
audioboom, apple podcast, spotify, & stitcher
SPECIAL BONUS: we're dropping a hot new collection in their honor & you won't want to miss it. pretending the weather is extra ~toasty~ and preparing for the spring sun! shop now!
we don't mean to brag, but seems jackie-o is a fan. see here & here.