our 5 fall favorites
by Denie Jacobson

BRING ON THE COLDER WEATHER!! Finally, we're having the cool mornings set in, then dripping sweat by noon, but none the less we're getting some colder weather here in Omaha! It's officially fall today, which means all of our favorite things are coming back into our lives again. Jill and I have made a list of all of our 5 fall favorites and want to know if you totally agree or have others on the top of your list, we want to know!!
"Top 5, top 5, top 5.."
Oh, how we've missed you so!! Picture this, you're off work, you're going to take your dog on a walk, the sun is beginning to set, the weather is at a perfect 62 degrees, you have your favorite leggings and sweater on AND you're not sweating your a$$ off !! Can it get any better???
2. Iced Drinks Turn to Hot Drinks
Will we still order a medium iced Carmelicious 1/2 the flavoring every morning? Yes. Will we no longer have to water our drinks down with ice? Absolutely. Bring on those hot steamy Carmelicious that make the mornings much more bearable.
Okay for me this is an all year thang but for Jill the claws are about to be ~all natural~. And by that we mean the color - we're going back to the neutrals. Yes, 100% we still will be getting plastic tips glued to our nails than covered in an artificial dip to make ourselves feel like we have our lives together.
Anyone else have a thing for long sleeves? For a person that easily sweats, it's a very complicated relationship but man do I love long sleeves, hoodies, sweaters, etc. With that we cannot just jump headfirst into the chunky knits and heavy sweaters- that would be a disaster, emphasis on the sweat. The good news is we have the perfect fall transition sweaters that will satisfy your fall needs but are light enough to be paired with shorts, jeans, leggings, or skirts!
Like heels but better, more stability. The booties are coming back but why make them the boring ole neutrals we see every year? Spice things up this season with the print that is absolutely EVERYWHERE, snakeskin babyyy.