holiday gift guide
by Jill Dudzinski
we know, we know -- it's not even thanksgiving yet, but we're gosh dang ready for christmas. we love it all: the music, decor, cozy sweaters, fun little gifts and the all around M E R R Y spirit around town. ok scrooges that say "not until after thanksgiving" --- pass over this post mmmmmmmk.
we're sharing our top gift ideas {let's be honest, we keep getting more merch in and we'll add a second guide} // these are our favs rn. what goods are you hoping for this year? besides world peace.

light pink cc beanie $14 {found here}
wifi or die, amiright? $49 vegan leather purse/clutch {found here}
all the right studs // burgundy stud booties $58 {found here}
single bells wine glass // all the single ladies {found here}
who doesn't love a sweater? pink criss cross sweater {found here}